Donations to Miry's List are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, SEE, a 501(c)3 non-profit EIN #95-4116679.
Three ways to give:
One-time Donation
We're providing critical support, building cultural bridges, nurturing friendships among neighbors through wrap-around programs that extend long beyond government support. Your one-time donation will make this possible!
You will be redirected to our Pledge page to complete a secure transaction
Monthly Welcomer’s Circle
The most impactful way of ensuring the continuity of Miry's List so we can help more families long into the future. Your monthly donation helps building sustainability and continue our momentum.
You will be redirected to our Pledge page to complete a secure transaction
Donate by Check
Donations by check should be made out to Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE) with "Miry's List" in the memo. Checks can be mailed to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Rd Suite 201 Calabasas CA 91302
Phone: 818-225-9150
On behalf of Miry’s List and the community we serve, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE) thanks you for your generous contribution to support Miry’s List. As Miry's List's fiscal sponsor, SEE will utilize this gift to further Miry’s List’s mission of helping recently resettled refugee families. Contributions to our foundation, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code [EIN 95-4116679] are deductible to the extent that they exceed the value of the goods and services provided in return.