Learning Resources
Ages 3-9
People of the World: Training for Tiny Welcomers
PEOPLE OF THE WORLD is an educational experience by Miry’s List for welcomers ages 3-9 (grade levels pre-K to 4th) exploring why people move around the world as refugees. Through storytelling, activities, and food, learners get an immersive, honest, and age-appropriate understanding of immigration and how we can welcome resettling families in our communities and across the United States.
AGES 10-15
Welcome, Neighbor: Here for Refugees
WELCOME, NEIGHBOR gives welcomers aged 10-15, or grade levels 5th-8th, an actionable, understanding of refugee resettlement in the United States, encouraging hands-on involvement and empowering positive change. A welcoming community is made up of welcoming individuals!
AGE 16+
Hive of Helpers: Ambassador Training
THE HIVE is a comprehensive learning experience for welcomers ages 16 and up that can be implemented individually or as a group. Through the eyes of the families and individuals experiencing resettlement, participants gain insight into how the system for refugee resettlement in the United States works, how the experience feels for families, and how to jump in to help.
Music: Ode to Joy, played by Delan Younes of Syria, on a keyboard he received through Miry's List. Words by Elizabeth Schwandt, voiced by Jenna Fischer