Program Eligibility
Hello and Welcome! Thank you for your interest in enrolling with Miry’s List.
Eligibility in MIry's List is based on 3 criteria:
Arrival Date: You and your family arrived to the U.S. within the last 12 months.
Visa Entry Status: You and your family arrived to the U.S. through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).
Financial Requirements: Your household income is less than 2x the U.S. Health & Human Services Poverty Guidelines based on household size.
Documentation requirements:
Miry's List will need to confirm your Visa status through documentation. Please ensure your documentation clearly shows your name, arrival date and entry status.
Here is a list of the visas and accompanying documentation that determine eligibility in Miry's List:
RE - Refugee visa
SI or SQ - Special visa
OAR or OAW - Parole via evacuation program
DT or PAR from 7/31/21-9/30/23 from Afghanistan - Parole during humanitarian crisis
DT or PAR from 2/24/22-9/30/23 from Ukraine - Parole during humanitarian crisis
Miry's List accepts the same qualifying documents as the United States Office of Refugee Resettlement: